Meet The CEO
The Introduction
Welcome to RM Apparel Website! My name is Kylah or also known as Kyee, i am 27 years old a mother of 2 and hustler by nature. Here i introduce to you Riche Motives Apparel that was created and brought to reality in September of 2019 and officially rebranded February 2020.
The Meaning
The breakdown of my name consists of 5 acronyms; R=RESILIENT I=INSPIRING C=CONFIDENT H=HUMBLED E=EXECTUIONER and these chosen characteristics are set out to exemplify and capture the true essence of developing and maintaining a riche mindset, followed through by a definition "MOTIVES" an enabler to push you to the act of doing something. This definition is in place to help assists with the end goal that gives you a reason "WHY" to develop the characteristics, create the habit, accomplish the goal and execute the vision.
The Mission
Through my brand, my goal is to inspire the uninspired that are talented, filled with purpose, and driven just like me. Ultimately, to provide to my hustler's daily wear that is trendy, quality and comfortable. Let's think and feel riche everyday by shopping with Riche Motives Apparel providing to you everyday comfortability in a style of streetwear fashion "For Trappas Only"